Friday, July 13, 2012

Coffee and Revolution

Is coffee a word you would normally associate with the term revolution? For most people, it is not. However, all throughout history, revolutions have been stirred up while their creators stir their hot drinks. Coffee houses and cafés have served as birthplaces for countless ideas that have had revolutionary outcomes, particularly in the 17th and 18th centuries, but it is still happening today; many activists have used coffee house as places to gather throughout the Arab Spring. Here are a few examples of coffee-fueled revolutions.

Coffee Ban

Though this example might not count as a revolution, the seeds are there. In 1511, coffee was considered a dangerous, intoxicating drink by some. For fear of its potential to cause sedition, in this year the governor of Mecca shut down all of Mecca's public coffee houses. Luckily for the citizens of Mecca, the sultan of Cairo decided that this proclamation was not a good one, and soon after overturned the movement. What is interesting here is that, though there may not have been proof at the time, the governor was partially correct. Maybe it wasn't the coffee itself causing unrest, but those houses where people could exchange ideas can brew a lot more than just coffee.

The American Revolution

A coffee house in Philadelphia, ironically named "The London Coffee House," was used as a meeting place to discuss revolutionary ideas in the 18th century. In the late 1760's Americans would meet to exchange political ideas (many of them involving dissatisfaction with taxation). English conservatives even had a habit of referring to American coffee houses as "seminaries of sedition."

The French Revolution

On July 12th, 1789, Camille Desmoulins stood on a table waving two pistols in his hands at the Café de Foy. Though watched by police spies, he shouted to his fellow Frenchmen, "Aux armes, citoyens!" Only two days later, the French Revolution had begun with the fall of Bastille. This is just one small anecdote, too. French coffee houses were the go to place for French intellectuals to share their political ideas and express their various dissatisfactions.

If you think about it, this all make a whole lot of sense. Though nothing can compare to the internet for information exchange, coffee houses used to serve as a sort of hub for people to share news, gossip, ideas, and information of all kinds. And, in an environment where the patrons are unsatisfied with political conditions, this type of mass information exchange can be the perfect breeding ground for revolution.

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Beat Movement and Coffee

The "Beat Generation" (a term coined by writer Jack Keroac in 1948) refers to a group of post-World War II intellectuals who both developed and inspired a counterculture movement that would change American youth culture forever. They typically rejected materialism, embraced eastern religions, encouraged experimentation with different lifestyles, and forged new ways of self-expression. The movement began in New York but eventually spread all across the country. A popular place for these groups of intellectuals to meet was coffee houses.

Imagine a World Without the Internet

Today, counterculture writers and artists have little trouble reaching out to the world thanks to the World Wide Web. Instant access to publication is easy, and we use it well. At the time, however, people like this needed a physical meeting place to share their ideas. Coffee houses were perfect. They were relaxed and quiet enough to have discussions and share ideas, and yet at the same time they were busy and vibrant enough to attract young, restless crowds. A bar scene wasn't exactly appropriate (though they did not shun alcohol) because as much as this movement spurred things like the hippie movement of the 60's, it was at the same time a highly different thing.


Most people associate slam poetry with the beat movement. While this came some years after, there is a reason. The Beat Generation was a generation of writers of poetry and prose alike. People (today, still) associate coffee houses with literature. They can make the perfect spot to settle down with a book, have poetry readings, share ideas, record your thoughts, and be inspired by like-minded others. Coffee and writers, as well as readers, go together like peas and carrots (and pretty much always have), and this was just as true for the Beat Generation (which had a whole lot of both). Writers like William Burroughs and Amiri Baraka thrived in environments like this.


Have you ever heard live music at your local coffee house? If not, you should really make an effort too. The Beat Movement had a lot of influence on popular music, including Bob Dylan, Jim Morrison, and The Beatles. Young artists would collaborate (often meeting in hip local social hubs over some hot drinks) to share their interests, and maybe make some plans to jam together. This generation would meet up, write songs, and eventually influence a whole lot of what rock and pop music has grown to today.

The Beat Generation has passed its prime, but cafés are still great places for modern intellectuals to meet. If you are an artist or a writer you probably already know this. The next time you're hitting up your local café, keep your ears peeled for the kind of information exchange that can only happen in a place like that!

This news article is brought to you by DRUG-ABUSE - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Nespresso Capsules

Nespresso Capsules: Where To Buy?

If you haven't heard of the magic of Nespresso capsules then it's time you knew about it. It has put simplicity and convenience in espresso. Making espresso can be as fast as less than a minute and you can always buy capsules online.

Espresso lovers know that the taste of espresso are highly dependent on the quality of the grinds, the fresher the grinds, the fuller the flavor. But espresso lovers also know the effort and time grinding and tamping requires... but with the Nespresso capsules, you get an excellent cup from pre-ground beans.

Of course some will be very skeptical; how can pre-ground beans compete with the taste of fresh grounds? The secret there are the capsules. The coffee grinds come in these pods or capsules that seal in the freshness of coffee by keeping it away from its mortal enemies: MASH or Moisture, Air, Sunlight and Heat. The pre-ground beans in the pods can keep fresh for months. The coffees are guaranteed to satisfy even the most discriminating coffee connoisseurs' palettes.

Nespresso being a trusted name in coffee has created a blend of Arabica, Robusta and science in a pod so you are assured of a perfect cup every time. Each pod contains perfectly measured portions of perfectly tamped and ground beans, so no guesswork or skill is required.

Not only do you get great quality espresso in less than no time, you also get to enjoy high quality blends for a fraction of a cost compared to signature drinks from coffee shops.

Nespresso Capsules Review:

The pods are tulip shaped hermetically sealed aluminum containers that are sealed in order to preserve the freshness of the hundreds of aromas and flavors of the ground coffee. The coffees are measured specifically to make one cup of espresso and coated on the inside with protective seal to keep the precious coffee away from MASH. The aluminum used is 100% recyclable material so eco-conscious coffee enthusiasts are assured that these pods won't damage the environment. Although many have suggested that Nespresso itself think of a recycling plan for the pods so as not to accumulate waste from the used pods.

Together with the capsules, Nespresso have developed Espresso machines and coffee makers that are especially designed to use pods. They usually come with complimentary capsules but for one to purchase more, all that needs to be done is to buy Nespresso Capsules online. You can customize purchase and have it delivered to your doorstep on a schedule. Delivery takes two days so despite the exclusivity, it's really not a hassle.

This news article is brought to you by ASTROLOGY - where latest news are our top priority.

Coffee-House Coffee Vs Home-Brewed Coffee

If you love good coffee, you probably have already checked out your local coffee houses. But have you ever considered brewing some specialty coffee on your own? Both are great ways to satisfy your cravings and try new varieties, but each comes with its own set of pros and cons. The best choice is going to vary based on what you are looking for, and what you are willing to do.


Though spending money on great coffee is definitely worth it, remember that at a coffee shop you are going to be paying a price that is well over what you would have paid to brew a similar cup for yourself. Going to coffee houses can be a great experience, but if you want good coffee daily and are looking to be a little more economical about it, you can make what they make for yourself, at no extra cost.

Guaranteed Freshness

Chances are better than good that a coffee shop that you already trust will be serving you some pretty fresh coffee. But nothing beats coffee as fresh as you could be preparing for yourself. If you do try this at home, make sure to only buy your coffee in whole bean form, as once it is ground it may be stale quicker. It is best to only grind as much as you are going to make, and to do so only right before you make it. That level of freshness would not be reasonable for the vast majority of coffee houses, but if you've got the time you should really try it out, because it makes a difference.

The Social Scene

The downside to home-brewing is missing out on that cool coffee-house vibe where you can meet up with friends or see what's happening in your area. If making your own cups would really tear you away from the scene that you love, consider having a time of day, or week, when a group of friends comes over to drink together. You could even take turns supplying the beans, and introduce each other to new varieties.

The Right Ingredients

While home brewing seems to come out on top for both freshness and value, that doesn't mean just grabbing a bag of pre-ground coffee beans is going to be a superior experience to a freshly brewed cup at your local joint. If you're going to switch to a more do-it-yourself routine, it will really only be worth it if you are getting your beans from a purveyor of fine or gourmet coffees.

The best way to see which is right for you is to go ahead and try both for a comparison! Once you've found a really nice source for gourmet coffees, brew up the freshest of fresh cups, and then compare with your local place!

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Coffee - Understanding Different Roasts

Finding your favorite roast of coffee is a step in finding your perfect cup! Before I realized there were different roasts of coffee, I missed out on so much flavor and all the things I truly love about coffee. From light to dark roasts, there is a pretty much a roast out there for all coffee-lovers to indulge in!

The first roast is a light roast. These are roasts such as a blonde or cinnamon roast. The beans have been lightly roasted, hence the name, and are light in flavor. These are light brown in color and have a toasted grain flavor to them. When you buy a light roast these beans have not cracked yet and are known to have tea-like character. These are the perfect beans for beginning coffee-drinkers who want to dip their toes in the pool of Joe.

Next up is the most popular roast in the United States, the medium roast. In this category you will find beans that are roasted to a nice medium brown. This would include: New England, American and City roasts. If you were to go to a diner or restaurant and order a cup of coffee, more than likely you would receive a medium roast. These beans have been lightly cracked and have a deeper flavor than the light beans. Medium roasts are perfect for drinking year round as they are not too light nor too heavy in flavor.

Finally is my favorite category, the dark roasts. These beans have cracked and are dark in color, to the point of being oily and black. In this category you will find roasts such as: Vienna, French, Italian and Spanish. All the roasts of the European countries lend to a dark, robust cup of coffee. These beans commonly have bittersweet flavors, can taste of caramel, low acidity and are perfect for Espresso. If you are to order a speciality drink such as a latte, cappuccino or mocha, you are going to receive a shot of espresso, a very dark roast coffee, in your drink.

If you find yourself getting tired of the same old coffee that you are drinking, thing about trying a new roast of coffee. These days you can purchase small, one cup pouches of coffee that are perfect for taste-testing and trying new things. Also, most local coffee shops and houses will let you try a bit of their different roasts before you buy!

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Keurig Vue, The Best Just Got Better

If you have any experience with the Keurig line of 1 cup coffee makers, then you know how convenient they can be and how good of a cup of coffee they make. Whether you want coffee, tea or cider, the Keurig can brew a perfect cup every time.

While these original Keurig machines were incredibly popular in homes and offices, there were still complaints. Many people didn't like the fact that there were only three settings available to change the strength of the drink brewed. Others said that the temperature control was difficult to use and not very accurate.

Keurig has taken all of these customer comments to heart and has recently released the new and improved Keurig Vue 1 cup coffee maker. Almost every negative that owners of the coffee maker could come up with is addressed and improved upon in the new Vue.

Below are some of the features of the newest Keurig machine:

- Intuitive touch-screen control panel which allows you to easily switch between 4-ounce and 18-ounce brew sizes and temperatures of 187 to 197 degrees Fahrenheit.

- Water reservoir size of 74-ounces with lighted background.

- One year warranty.

- Improved recyclable Vue packs for brewing individual beverages.

- Ability to froth water for a foamy topper on your coffee.

Keurig's motivation for making a new and improved coffee maker was not purely because they wanted to please their customers. The patent on its K-Cups runs out in September, so many cheaper competitors' versions will be hitting the market. Also, Starbucks is about to release their own 1 cup coffee maker sometime after September. So Keurig had good reason to come out with a new and superior product to keep their stronghold on this market.

The new Vue looks a lot like previous models, but a little bit sleeker and classier. The difference is that it is able to do so much more with a lot more options for customization when brewing your coffee. The new temperature controls are much easier to use and the fact that you can brew a decent travel-size mug of coffee is definitely a great feature. The Vue accomplishes this feat by slowly pulsing the water through the Vue pack, making a stronger cup of coffee, or a larger cup that is still strong enough.

Another complaint addressed with the Vue is that the past Keurigs did not report accurate temperatures of the coffee brewed. Reviews from Vue customers have come in stating that this problem has been definitely fixed. The coffee comes out scalding hot if that's how you like it and the temperature of the coffee seems to be with two degrees of the temperature listed on the Keurig's display screen.

For those who complained about the disastrous recycling prospects for the original K-Cups, the Vue packs are much more environmentally friendly. The originals just needed to be completely thrown away after being used, but the Vue versions suspend the filter in the cup, which can be removed and disposed of after use. Not as good as paper, but a big improvement.

While the new Keurig Vue does advertise that it can brew a cup of espresso, do not take it too seriously. If you want espresso you will have to brew two separate cups, one with milk and one with coffee. The process is very messy and the espresso is not very good. It is definitely still just a coffee brewer, although it is much improved. Amazingly, the coffee it brews is even better than the past versions. The machine itself looks better and it is much easier to use, if that's even possible. It is a bit louder than past versions, and the coffee takes a bit longer to brew, but shouldn't a great cup of joe take a bit longer to make?

If you enjoyed the Keurig machines from the past and love the coffee they make, then you will absolutely love the new Keurig Vue 1 cup coffee maker. There are more features, it is more intuitive, the coffee tastes better, and it is more friendly to our struggling environment. The best 1 cup coffee maker just got even better and is set to remain by far the most popular home brewing machine in the world for a long time to come.

This article is brought to you by MATCHMAKING.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Reap The Health Benefits Of Coffee Beans With Coffee Beans Online

There has been a lot of negative coverage of coffee in the past. Coffee was believed to cause various negative effects in the body and was not known for any health benefits. However, recent research will encourage you to purchase coffee beans online.

This is great news for those who love coffee. Coffee lovers are finding that they can now purchase coffee beans online without having to worry about the negative impact that coffee will have on their health. They can now be confident that coffee will have a positive impact as a result of the antioxidants that it contains.

One of the most important recently discovered benefits of coffee are its anti-cancer properties. Coffee has been linked to the prevention of the development of liver cancer. Those who drink coffee regularly were found to reduce their chances of developing liver cancer by about 50%.

Further studies on the anti-cancer properties of coffee led to the observation that the beverage may have a lowering effect on the occurrence of various other forms of cancer including colon cancer, rectal, and breast cancer.

Purchasing coffee beans online is a great idea if you want to prevent the development of diabetes. Those who drink large volumes of coffee will be glad to know that their love for coffee may help prevent the development of diabetes. This is made possible by the reduction of blood sugar levels by coffee.

One of the most important ways that coffee results in the reduction of sugar levels is through an increase in the resting metabolic rate of the body. This is not only beneficial for diabetes, but also for those struggling to lose weight. You will burn more calories as a result of the increased metabolic rate.

You can also buy coffee beans online to help in preventing the development of symptomatic gall stones. This is because coffee alters the composition of bile. The cholesterol composition of bile juice is altered therefore reducing the chances of developing gall stones.

Men will be glad to know that coffee has been shown to have some effect in protecting them against Parkinson's disease. The same effect is not noticed in women unfortunately. This has been blamed on the presence of estrogen in women. The same enzymes required to metabolize coffee are the same required for the breakdown of estrogen. There is a high level of competition and estrogen is the victor.

When purchasing coffee beans online it is important to ensure that you purchase high quality products. It is also important to ensure that you drink coffee in moderation.

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